
The terminology and morphology of plates of the posterior part of the antiarch head shield (Placodermi, Antiarchi) are discussed. The terms «zatilochnaya» and «bokovaya (kraevaya) zatilochnaya» was previously accepted in antiarch skulls and are suggested for use in Russian-language literature. These terms are more correct and clearly define a position and development of these plates in the head shield of antiarchs. The titles «zagrivkovaya (nuchalnaya)» and «bokovaya zagrivkovaya (paranuchalnaya)», recently applied to them in Russian-language literature may indicate a connection in development with an anterior part of a trunk. A similar term is used for acipenserid exoskeleton. The acipenserid «nuchalnaya kost’» is located posterior to the «verchnezatilochnaya» (after Gurtovoi), and embryonically developed in an anterior part of the trunk over basidorsals and bones of the shoulder girdle. The name «pervaya spinnaya plastinka» (first dorsal scute: after Hilton and others) is also use for this bone. The term «zagrivkovaya plastinka» is used in other vertebrate skeletons, for example, in turtles; this name denotes the unpaired element of a carapace (postcranial skeleton). Using the terms «zagrivkovaya (nuchalnaya)» and «bokovaya zagrivkovaya (paranuchalnaya)» in the morphology of antiarchs and other placoderms may lead confusion in the terminology of skeletal elements at early vertebrates, incorrect conclusion of their homology, structure and development of the head shield of these unusual fishes.

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