
The article considers the organizational structure of the modern Hotel Grofa as an integral part of increasing the competitiveness and image of the hotel. In the field of service, it is very important to choose the right employees who meet customer requirements. The degree of satisfaction of guests in the hotel business is also achieved through the courtesy and responsiveness of employees. Therefore, effective personnel management was an essential function of hotel management. Employees are the most complex object of management. They continue to develop their relationship on a long-term basis. In modern conditions, the value of human resources is constantly growing, which leads to the formation of a personnel management system. Human resources are the most difficult object of management in the organization, because in comparison with the material factors of production, they are alive, have the ability to make decisions, act, critically assess the situation, have subjective interests and more. Personnel management is a purposeful activity of managers and specialists in organizational management and management systems, which includes the development of concepts of personnel management, strategies, principles and methods of personnel policy. Planning, formation, redistribution and rational use of human resources is the main content of personnel management. In the management of the organization, the human factor, the psychological characteristics of the team, individual needs and interests of individual members are not the last place. As a result of increasing competition, competition for consumers and quality of services, hotels are constantly improving. The main task is to recognize a high degree of social responsibility, which mainly depends on the manager and his ability to manage human resources. The formation of a personnel management system involves, first of all, building a "goal tree", with the goals of employees and the goals of the administration, ensuring their least inconsistencies, identifying the role and place of personnel management in ensuring the main goals of the hotel. In recent years, the relationship between management and personnel has undergone a complex evolution, becoming in the process of its development an organic and necessary part of the modern system of personnel management.

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