
The Auger transition probabilities are calculated while filling a vacancy on 2pπ orbital in a Ne+-Ne quasimolecule, a short-lived system which is formed when ion and atom approach each other and decays when they scatter. For the first time calculations were performed for various degrees of particles ionization in quasimolecule. It was found that with increase of collision energy and decrease of distance of the closest approach of particles the system ionization degree increases very significantly (from 2 to 6). Using of the quantum mechanical approach and taking into account the dynamics of collisions made it possible for the first time to describe quantitatively the experimental spectra of Auge electrons for a complex many-electron quasimolecule. From the whole variety of possible Auger decay channels the dominant contribution of the transition was established, from the initial 3dπ-3dπ state to the 2pπ orbital.

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