Summary Generalized structural maps of the base Upper Jurassic and the top Low Permian carbonates of the Barents Sea shelf were constructed at a scale of 10,000,000. Disjunctive dislocations on the Shtokman-Lunin Threshold (megasaddle) were defined in the form of the paragenesis of NW- and NE-trending oblique-slip faults, strike-slip reverse faults and strike-slip faults, which had caused the formation of local highs of the pop-up type and depressions of the pull-apart type. Primary oblique-slip faults of the northwestern strike are most probably faults of Paleozoic origination reactivated in the Mesozoic – Cenozoic. Secondary oblique-slip faults are NW-trending, while secondary strike-slip reverse faults are NE-trending. Neotectonic NE-trending stike-slips, which had caused the formation of a superimposed syn-stikeslip system of dislocations in the form of NE-trending normal faults and NW-trending strike-slip reverse faults, were sketched. A tectonic scheme of the middle structural stage of the Barents Sea shelf was constructed at a scale of 1:10,000,000. The structure of the Stockman-Lunin Threshold was defined more exactly, on which five structural terraces separated by syn-strikeslip depressions and complicated by large local anticlinal structures were defined, namely Shtokmanovskaya, Ledovaya, Ludlovsko-Luninskaya, Medvezhya and Vernadskogo.
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