
The article presents a historiographic analysis of the scientific works on the history of the development of archives in Kazakhstan. The paper highlights the most studied topics and the issues raised in the works of Kazakh researchers. The author notes that the problematics of the organization and history of archives administration in Kazakhstan is one of the central topics of the national archival science. That is evidenced by the studied works of both theoretical scholars and practicing archivists. After gaining independence, the republic started forming its own scientific base for studying archival issues, particular historical periods, during which the formation of the archival branch took place. Based on the extensive source material, relying on prior experience, modern researchers have created a historical retrospective of the emergence of archival science in the country. The relevance of the historiographic analysis of the study in the history and organization of archives administration in Kazakhstan is explained by the need to determine its main directions, analyze the approaches and views that have developed over the recent 30 years. At the same time, there still exist unaffected aspects of the history of the development of Kazakhstani archives. In working out the issue the historiographic analysis methods were used, including the comparative historical, chronological, and periodization methods. Monographs, scientific articles, textbooks and reviews on the history of the development of archives administration in Kazakhstan, published in the period from 1991 to 2021, were used as a source base.

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