
The social structural changes caused by COVID-19 have multi-dimensional impacts on the environment in which NGOs are set to pursue humanitarian value being faced with such a magnificent disaster never heard before. Among them, it is most difficult for NGOs to respond when the demands for NGOs' activities soar up drastically while the financial supports for them shrink so suddenly. In response to these structural contradictions, NGOs will not only engage in self-innovation of personnel, organization, finance, risk, and goal priority management but will also strengthen cooperative governance with other NGOs, local communities, and governments and push ahead public forums, and further promote the transition to virtual movements. However, in the process, as the limitations of virtual society are revealed, it is inevitable to converge virtual and real societies. Being reminded of the contradictions between the government-sponsored activities of NGOs and constraints on the activities of NGOs by the governments, it is suggested to establish cooperative governance between state and civil society. And it is also suggested to search for cooperative relations between service providers and recipients to maintain the neutrality of humanitarian value pursued by NGOs. This is nothing more than to look for a bi-focalism not only in the NGOs activities but also in the analysis of them.

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