
INTRODUCTION: Despite the enormous achievements of the world science in the field under the discussion, there are still many unconsidered points in the mechanism of the above-mentioned phenomenon, which, of course, requires work in this direction. It seems relevant to identify modern aspects concerning the role of interleukin-1 beta (IL-1β) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) in physiological regeneration, reparative regeneration and metabolic processes of bone tissue at the present stage of world scientific development. The search for literary sources was carried out in the open electronic databases of scientific literature PubMed and eLibrary. The search depth is 10 years.The review analyzes the world literature data on the current state of the issue of studying the action mechanisms of IL-1 beta and IL-6 on metabolic processes, physiological regeneration, reparative regeneration of bone tissue, including the mechanisms of the development of bone regeneration disorders in fractures. CONCLUSION: A huge number of factors related to various levels of homeostasis take part in the processes of metabolism, physiological regeneration, and reparative regeneration of bone tissue. Undoubtedly, in modern scientific society it is believed that IL-6, as well as IL-1ß, have an osteoresorptive effect, this fact is reflected both in injuries of bone structures and surrounding tissues, and in various diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Since, at the very beginning of the reparative regeneration of bone tissue, osteoresorptive processes prevail, it should be concluded that the aforementioned cytokines are among the first and main ‘conductors’ of bone tissue repair.

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