
The purpose of the article is to define the role of blues in jazz music. The research methodology consisted in the method of system analysis. The scientific novelty of the work. As a result of the research, the influence of blues on jazz music in terms of its characteristic features as a musical genre, musical style and musical form was defined for the first time in Ukrainian musicology. Conclusions. Blues played a great role in the formation of jazz music since its characteristics as a musical genre, musical style and musical form were widely reflected in the selected segment of non-academic music of the 20th century.


  • The purpose of the article is to define the role of blues in jazz music

  • As a result of the research, the influence of blues on jazz music in terms of its characteristic features as a musical genre, musical style and musical form was defined for the first time in Ukrainian musicology

  • Blues played a great role in the formation of jazz music since its characteristics as a musical genre, musical style and musical form were widely reflected in the selected segment of non-academic music of the 20th century

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The role of blues in jazz music
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