
Babun Najah Islamic boarding school is one of the modern Islamic boarding schools in Banda Aceh, based on first observations at the Babun Najah Islamic Boarding School, researchers found problems in learning nahwu using the istira'iyah method, namely a method that starts from explaining examples and then drawing conclusions from the results of discussions regarding these examples, but this method is not suitable for some students, so making it difficult for students to understand nahwu and unable to understand the rules of nahwu well. Therefore, the researcher wants to conduct research on the topic "Application of the Qiyasiyah Method with Word Cards to Improve Students' Ability in Learning Nahwu (Experimental Study at the Babun Najah Islamic Boarding School Tsanawiyah)" The aim of this research is to identify the effectiveness of applying the qiyasiyah method using word cards to improve students' abilities in learning nahwu. The research methodology in this thesis is the Pre-Experiment Designs method with One Group Pre-Test Post-Test Designs, and the population in this thesis is third grade Tsanawiyah students, totaling 104 students, and the sample here is class 3-C students, totaling 30 students. Researchers used two tests to collect data. Pre-test and post-test. The examiner will test the results with the normality test, homogeneity test, and Wilcoxon sign rank test using SPSS 20. The pre-test post-test results show significance results with a value of 0.001 < 0.05 which indicates that the hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and (H0) rejected.

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