
The aim of the study is to expand on the historical and pedagogical knowledge about the pedagogical dynasty of the Pankratz family, whose representatives carry out their professional activities in the Amur region. The paper provides information about the professional activities undertaken by the representatives of the pedagogical dynasty of the Pankratz family, specifies its features and type. The relevance of the study is determined by the need of society to master the professional experience transmitted by pedagogical dynasties, as well as the desire of the state to increase the prestige of the teaching profession and the quality of teacher education. The scientific novelty of the study lies in enriching historical and pedagogical scientific knowledge with the information about the Pankratz dynasty, which will allow it to be included in the unified database of pedagogical dynasties of the Amur region. As a result, it has been proved that the pedagogical dynasty of the Pankratz family possesses the features of pedagogical dynasties and is characterised as mature, multi-generational, average in composition, mixed by the type of intra-family ties, specialisation and level of education. From generation to generation, the representatives of the dynasty share and transmit their accumulated professional experience, ideals, moral values and traditions to the cultural space, which makes this dynasty socially significant.

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