While teachers determine the quality of education, teacher education determines the quality of teachers. As a result, quality of teacher education becomes the core element for determining the quality of education. However, teacher training institute’s teacher education program fails to provide systematic education for cultivating excellent teachers with professionality and the program is criticized for lacking connection with school field and not fulfilling the work well. The pending issues of teacher education course are directly related to teacher’s professionality and it leads to problem of forming and promoting PCK (Pedagogical Content Knowledge) as the core element in teacher’s professionality. In response, the purpose of this study is to explore the drama teacher education program to promote PCK for drama subject-matter education (D-PCK) by focusing on < Drama Course Curriculum’s Materials Analysis and Instruction Method > of subject matter education which plays key role in promoting teacher’s professionality. For the research, this study critically examined the preceding studies in other curriculums related to the research subject by focusing on literature review to clarify with following four aspects. First, this study explored the direction of teacher education. Second, this study set goal of teacher education. Third, this study sought the constituting principle of teacher education and suggested lecture types. Fourth, this study suggested educational contents for < Drama Course Curriculum’s Materials Analysis and Instruction Method > and analyzed the relevance between educational contents for each class and D-PCK to derive implications. The research results were as follows. For direction of drama teacher education, this study set directions as ‘education considering individual characteristic’, ‘education rooting on actual education’, ‘reflective education based on practice’, ‘education focusing on D-PCK components’, and ‘education for experiencing learning-centered class’. This study also set the goal of drama teacher education as ‘reflective practitioner’, ‘practical researcher’, and ‘curriculum developer’. For composition of drama teacher education’s curriculum, this study suggested 6 constituting principles and lecture types including class observation, reflective simulation class, class sharing, and reflective writing. Based on these research results, this study set educational direction, goal, and operational considerations for < Drama Course Curriculum’s Materials Analysis and Instruction Method > course. Then, this study suggested the main points and direction of lecture in details. Furthermore, this study analyzed the relevance between educational contents for each class and D-PCK components. The educational contents of < Drama Course Curriculum’s Materials Analysis and Instruction Method > for each class influenced on overall D-PCK components. Especially, the educational contents mainly influenced on D-PCK related to actual class performance such as ‘knowledge of educational content’, ‘skills to express dramas’, ‘knowledge of pedagogy’, ‘knowledge of evaluation’, and ‘knowledge of learning dramas’. While such phenomenon proved that the educational contents for each class suggested in this study are designed to experience the actual class and promote professionality, it also implied that the educational contents such as < Theory on Teaching Drama > and < Logic and Essay in Drama Subject > should be systematized and composed differentially to balance out and promote D-PCK components. This study suggested on further research on suitability and effectiveness of drama teacher education program suggested in this study. It also commented that research on other curriculum courses such as < Theory on Teaching Drama > and < Logic and Essay in Drama Subject > for promoting D-PCK should be given in consideration of sequences. Furthermore, this study also point out that various forms of teacher education program should be developed and studied and that there should be researches on suitability to promote each component of D-PCK.
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