
Objectives.To study the communicative positions (CP) in the communication of medical faculty students of VSMU and to analyze their dynamic features. Material and methods.The study involved 532 students of the medical faculty. The 2nd-year students numbered 386 people (117 boys and 269 girls); the 6th-year students were represented by 146 persons (33 boys and 113 girls).The study of communicative positions in communication was carried out using the methodology of E.I. Rogov «Transactional analysis of communication». Results.The students showed a higher representation of a child’s («dependent») position among the 2nd-year medical students, the dominance of an adult’s position among the 6th-year medical students, the lowest representation of the parental position in the total sample, a more pronounced dynamic increase in the «adult - child - parent» (ACP) formula and a decrease in the «adult - parent - child » (APC) formula in girls compared to young men. Conclusions.The identified general and gender features of CP in communication indicate that the information and educational environment created at VSMU on the whole has a beneficial effect on the formation of communication skills of future doctors, which is manifested in the flexible choice of CP in communication, adequate to the requirements of the educational process by the medical faculty students.The results of the study can be used in the educational process of VSMU, the activities of the socio-pedagogical and psychological services, the work of academic group tutors.

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