
Ivan Ohiienko made a signifi cant contribution to the formation and development of Ukrainian language Stylistics. His reasoning on certain stylistic issues is recorded in such scientifi c investigations as «The Science of Native Language Duties», «Ukrainian Literary Language History», «Our Literary Language: How to Write and Speak in Literature», «Grammatical and Stylistic Dictionary of Shevchenko’s Language» etc.ºíêàThe purpose of our article is to determine Ivan Ohiienko’s contribution to the development of Ukrainian Language Lexical Stylistics.Among the stylistic concepts, the concepts of lexical stylistics are clearly dis-tinguished. I. Ohiienko payed attention to the stylistic load of synonyms, archaisms, neologisms, dialectisms, terms, borrowed words, vulgarisms, provincialisms, etc.The linguist argued for the need to use archaisms in the artistic style to give the text artistry, a description of a bygone era, the archaic coloring of the speech of the characters, providing teaching pathos and more. I. Ohiienko considered it appropriate to use old slavonic in the confessional style.The stylistic use of «local language» (dialectisms) is limited to the conscious use in the characters’ language, and in works of regional purpose. Unacceptable dialect words in the scientifi c style.I. Ohiienko singled out specifi c features of the use of foreign languages: in the presence of Ukrainian words-equivalents to replace borrowing; to refuse frivolous use of foreign words; do not use tracing words; in journalistic style unknown to the general public to explain other languages. The scientist was fi rmly convinced that the use of foreign words does not contribute not only to Ukrainian language development, but also to spiritual culture development in general.According to I. Ohiienko, synonyms should not only be known, but also felt, in particu-lar, the correct use of stylistic synonyms, which diff er in relation to diff erent functional styles.Thus, I. Ohiienko’s reseaches on the problems of the History Ukrainian literary language development are also important for Stylistics development.

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