
the article is devoted to the mechanisms of implementation of social partnership of the state (Federal state budget educational institution of higher professional education “Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University”) and charitable public Association (Charitable Foundation (CF) “Metallurg”) in the social support of citizens, as well as determine ways to improve. The methodological basis of the research is the scientific statements of such scientists as A.G. Akramovskaya, E. Archambault, J. Kendall, T. Levitt, N. Smelser. The article presents the results of sociological studies conducted in 2015–2020 in the city of Magnitogorsk (Chelyabinsk region), which indicate, on the one hand, significant measures of social support for citizens by the CF “Metallurg”, and, on the other hand, the need to develop social partnership in order to increase its effectiveness. The results of the study allowed us to identify the most relevant issues that require special attention of the main subjects of the partnership under consideration: specialists of the public organization and teachers of the Department of Social Work and Psychological and Pedagogical Education of the university. These are: joint development and implementation of social projects aimed at providing social assistance and support to the most vulnerable categories of the population; development of the volunteer student movement and involvement of its best representatives in the implementation of social projects and programs; combining the theory and practice of social support for citizens.

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