
The purpose of the work is to investigate and characterize the state of the issue of emancipation in the feminine aspect in the socio-cultural space within the boundaries of Ukraine during the period of independence. Ukraine's independence became a kind of "bifurcation point", marking a critical state in politics, ideology, and culture with the subsequent transition to another level of order in all spheres, including in the aspect of emancipation processes in the socio-cultural field. The situation of "conditional beginning" was deliberately chosen as the starting point when determining the chronological limits of the study, because it opens up prospects to trace the dynamics of qualitative reconstructions and transformations in the socio-cultural being, actualizing gender identification processes in society. The study of the outlined topic involves the use of the following research methods: historical and artistic analysis (for examining an array of scientific sources, studies of predecessors — scientists engaged in researching the issues related to the topic of our investigations - to study the stage of the development of the chosen topic); method of systematization (for a comprehensive understanding of the artifacts created in different types, genres, presented on different media, visual media, literary sources); the method of theoretical generalization (for a concise summary of the processed material). Methods of assumption and analogy, classification and other empirical and theoretical research methods were used as supplementary ones. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that within the stated chronological period the author conducts a comprehensive exploration of the logic of changes in the understanding of feminine and masculine principles and the state of gender equality issues in Ukraine during the period of independence. In conclusion, the paper states that after gaining independence, the processes aimed at rejecting and condemning many aspects of the past, inspired by the European vector of the direction of the state's development, became widespread, which is also relevant for the present. They relate to aspects of gender equality, as well as the self-identification of a woman as a member of society and an active participant in socio-cultural processes. The statistics presented in the article indicate that, unfortunately, women are quite faced with oppression in various aspects, and also, they are the ones who still highlight this problem in the visual arts, realizing the desire to change the dichotomy "object-subject" in the aspect of female physicality . Positive developments in this field are characterized by changes in the language aspect, namely the appearance of feminitive and gender-tolerant vocabulary, as well as the spread of various art projects dedicated to this topic, described in the text of the study.

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