
The article presents the results of the peculiarities and difficulties of the author's realia translation analysis, which create the nominative space of the unreal world of fantasy novels. The essence of the «quasi-realia» concept and their functional field within the literature of the fantasy genre is revealed. As is known, in the field of translation of fiction it is especially difficult to convey the specific units of the original text, which denote atypical, nationally and culturally marked concepts – realia that are obscure or completely unknown within the linguistic culture of the target audience. However, if some additional information and reference sources can be used for the translation of ordinary realia, in the case of author’s realia, on the basis of which a completely new fantasy world is created and depicted, the translator faces a task of a double complexity – to reproduce not only the plot, style and author’s intentions, but also completely build the whole onomasticon of unreal space by means of the language of translation so that it appears in the imagination of the target readership as detailed, alive and connotatively rich as it appears in the English one. In view of this, the main focus in this work is made on the definition and analysis of translation inaccuracies made in the transmission of a number of fantasy quasi-realia. The study presented in the article is based on the classification and substantiation of inaccuracies in the transfer of quasi-real lexical units in the Ukrainian translation of the world-famous series of fantasy novels «А Song of Ice and Fire» by George R.R. Martin, made by Natalia Tysovs’ka and published by the publishing house «KM-Books». The identified inaccuracies are correlated with inappropriately used translation transformations, in particular lexical and lexical-semantic changes of the original quasi-realia, the use of which led, for example, to the loss of the connotative component of original units, complicating or distorting their plan of content, superimposing real-world names on objects and phenomena of unreal space, as well as violations of the general logic and systematic transmission of quasi-realia, typical in the analyzed world.

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