
The object of the study is a system of independent assessment of the quality of the conditions for the provision of services by organizations in the social sphere. The purpose of the work is to assess the potential of organizations in the social sphere in solving the problems of increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the activities of the social sector managers both at the level of individual organizations and in general in the system of state and municipal government. The study uses methods of comparative and general scientific analysis of normative sources, the results of monitoring studies of the functioning of the social organizations in the regions of the Russian Federation, documents of strategic and tactical planning for the development of the social sphere, reporting provided for in the framework of the system for monitoring and evaluating the performance of the heads of government bodies, local selfgovernment, and organizations, surveys, systematization, and generalization of the obtained data. According to the results of the study, the list of tasks solved by the organizations in the social sphere in order to increase the client-centricity of the social sphere was updated, and barriers were identified that prevent the social organizations from solving the problems of increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the work of organizations in the social sphere. The study shows that in the context of the implementation of the concept of "the state for the people", aimed at the use of modern technologies of working with customers – recipients of services and focused on taking into account their interests and needs, the task of forming a "new culture of interaction between the state, citizens, and business" and solidarity of responsibility of all participants in the process. At the same time, the priority in working with managers at all levels of management should lie not so much in assessing their activities as such, but in increasing, based on the analysis of its results, their involvement and the formation of a motivation system for achieving significant results in the development and improvement of the social sphere. Area of practical application: the research results can be used by officials of state authorities in the social sphere responsible for its development, as well as heads of organizations in the social sphere in order to ensure the validity and efficiency of managerial decision-making in order to increase the client-centricity of the social sphere, in the formation of tools to improve the activities of organizations in the social sphere.

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