
The relevance of the article is stipulated by the need for targeted training of social sphere managers in personnel management, since at present social organizations lack qualified managerial staff, i.e. social managers. The article aims at, on the one hand, substantiating the expediency of assessment, selection and development of social organization staff on the basis of a single universal characteristic – employees’ professional reliability, and, on the other hand, defining social managers’ professional competencies, which are necessary for the effective performance of their labor function related to staff management in general, as well as to staff assessment, selection and development, in particular. The research was conducted using the methods of analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison, and systematization, which enabled identifying a social manager’s professional competencies of necessary for the procedure for diagnosing the professional reliability of personnel of social organizations, which serves as a criterion for their assessment, selection, and development. The article highlights that the multidimensional nature of activities in the social sphere necessitates the analysis of candidates for a position according to many different criteria, which, in turn, complicates the diagnostic procedure, analysis of its results and making an unambiguous decision. It is substantiated that professional reliability is a universal characteristic which allows not only to make an unambiguous decision, but also to unify the very procedure of staff selection. A social organization employee’s professional reliability is considered to be a special state based on his or her natural properties, which represents a stable in time, perfect in the ways of action and effective in the results of performing the tasks of professional activity. The rationale is based on the argument that reliability, along with quality and productivity, is a component of the effectiveness of professional activity and is manifested in maintaining high efficiency of this activity regardless the conditions of its course. Based on the analysis of the Professional Standard "Social Manager", the article characterizes a social manager’s professional competencies in terms of assessment, selection and development of social organization staff. The analysis has led to the conclusion that the training of future social managers with due regard for the relevant professional standard ensures simultaneous formation of their ability to: conduct a procedure for staff diagnosing for professional reliability according to the described methodology; make an unambiguous decision on a candidate’s suitability for a vacant position in a social organization; employees’ further development depending on the state of their professional reliability.

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