
Biological role of ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) in the human body is to regulate the functioning of endocrine and nervous system; to participate in the formation of cell membranes; to reduce the risk of developing cardio-vascular diseases and antioxidant activity. Alpha-linolenic polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) is the main plant ω-3 fatty acid, contained in the largest amount in the flax seed. In the flax seed, the oil content is 40–54 %, and the ratio of ω-3 and ω-6 fatty acids can vary within a wide range. The composition and amount of lipidic fractions of flax seeds depend on the breed genotype, soil structure, and climate conditions for cultivation. During testing period it has been established that the oil content of seeds that belong to the breeds LM-98, Uralskii and Raciol is 41.5–46.5 %, and that the tested flax breeds significantly differ in the content of PUFA. The ratio of w-3: w-6 fatty acids in the seeds of LM-98 is 1:26; in the seeds of Uralskii breed is 3:1; and in the seeds of Czech flax breed Raciol is 1:1.2. Full fat flax flour has been prepared using raw flax seeds. This flour has been used in the “Chainyi” cupcake receipt. The flax flour of L-98 breed has been used in the concentrations: 20, 30 and 40 %; the flour made of Uralskii and Raciol seeds has been added in the amount of 5, 10 and 15 %. According to SanPiN (Sanitary Regulations and Standards), the specified levels of food enrichment must be not less than 15 % and not more than 50 % of the norm of physiological need (in 100 g of a product) in an average daily ration. According to the norms of physiological nutrition, adults need about 1.2 g of omega-3 fatty acids per day. The addition of the flour prepared of the LM-98 flax seeds in the “Chainyi” cupcake receipt in the amount of 30 % allows to obtain the food products with good organoleptic properties, meeting the daily needs in w-3 fatty acids for 16.25 %, which make them belong to nutritional category of food. Flour confectionery products, which contain 5 % of flax flour made of Uralskii seeds, not deviating too much in form, structure, taste and smell, are able to meet the need of adults in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids for 56.67 %. The use of flax flour made of Raciol seeds in the concentrations of 5–10 % considerably improves the organoleptic properties of cupcake samples and allows to meet the need in w-3 fatty acids for 29.17–58.33 %.


  • Kolotov A.P. Development of the Technology of Fortified Flour Confectionary Products Based on the Use of Linseed Flax Derivatives

  • Ser. Food and Biotechnology, 2017, vol 5, no

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Содержание сухих веществ

Таблица 2 Производственная рецептура кекса «Чайный» с введением 20 % льняной муки. 164,00 чением концентрации льняной муки в рецептуре, степень упека снижалась. Учитывая количество жировой фракции и концентрацию альфа-линоленовой кислоты для каждого сорта семян льна, установили степень удовлетворения суточной потребности в ω-3 жирных кислотах при употреблении 100 г изделий, содержащих различные концентрации льняной муки сортов ЛМ-98; Raciol и Уральский. Что продукты, содержащие муку из семян льна сорта Уральский, удовлетворяет суточную потребность в ω-3 жирных кислотах уже при содержании льняной муки 5 % – на 56,67 %; а ее концентрации 10 % – на 113,3 %. Добавление муки из семян льна сорта ЛМ-98 в рецептуру кекса «Чайный» в количестве 30 % позволяет получать продукты с привлекательными органолептическими свойствами, удовлетворяющие суточную потребность в ω-3 жирных кислотах на 16,25 %, что позволяет отнести их к обогащенным продуктам питания. Применение льняной муки из семян сорта Raciol в концентрациях 5–10 % значительно улучшает органолептические характеристики образцов кекса, позволяет удовлетворить потребность в ω-3 жирных кислотах на 29,17–58,33 %.

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