
The beginning of the twentieth century for the culture of Galicia was particularly rich: in contrast to political and economic problems, Ukrainian education, musicology, folklore, linguistics, and literature were developing. Already from the 90s of the twentieth century, Ukrainians were able to legally process materials from the pre-Soviet period, publish information about the leaders of Ukrainian culture and science banned by the Soviet authorities, and study their creative achievements. To the little-known, unfortunately, names in the fields of pedagogy, sociology, ethnopsychology and folklore belongs the name of Dr. Antin Knyazhynskiy, one of the accomplices of the development of Ukrainian education, science and culture in Galicia 20-30 years of the last century.Professor Antin Knyazhynskiy is a man of great interest, great work ability and invincible strength of spirit. Having put his life on the altar of service to his native people, he tried to direct all his forces to the development of Ukrainian education, culture and science: the teacher - was a teacher of the Ukrainian language and literature in the gymnasiums of Yavoryv, Drohobych, Ternopil, Sambir, Kolomyia and the seminary in Sambir; co-founder of the Society and the Boykivshchyna Museum in Sambir; author of scientific works on ethnopsychology, sociology, folklore, literary studies; editor, actor, director, ethnographer, writer. In 1945-55 he was a prisoner of concentration camps of the USSR.The article gives a brief history of the life and work of Antin Knyazhynskiy. A brief analysis of the folklore and literary works of Professor Knyazhynskiy is made. The significance of his scientific and folklore activity is highlighted.

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