
The purpose of research: еstimation of influence of soil compaction by running wheels of the tractor with a row seeder on productivity and economic efficiency of cultivation of corn on grain. Research methods: hypothesis, experiment, field observation, laboratory, visual and comparative calculation method. Research results: Field studies were conducted in soil and climatic conditions of Western Ukraine. The experimental field was characterized by sod-podzolic light loam soils. Climatic conditions of research – the average daily air temperature during the growing season of corn - +16.9 ° C, rainfall – 263 mm. Väderstad's eight-row Tempo 8 seed drill, which was aggregated with a Fendt 722 tractor, was used in the research. In the process of performing the technological operation of such a sowing unit, two sowing machines work on the tracks of the tractor wheels. According to the results of research it was established that the number of cobs in the rows on the tracks of the tractor was 42.2-49.6 thousand pieces. / ha and was lower by 6.4-8.8 thousand units / ha (11.4-17.2 %) compared to uncompacted areas of the field. There was also a decrease in the weight of grain in the cob on the tracks of the tractor by 4-30 g, depending on the hybrid. The grain yield of corn sown on the tracks of the tractor was lower by 2.27-2.51 t/ha (16.5-27.9 %) compared to this figure on uncompacted rows. Seed yield of the studied hybrids (average value for all eight rows of rows) is 8.33-13.21 t/ha. Due to the fact that in ¼ rows (in two rows on the tracks of the tractor) recorded lower yields, the average yield of corn grain decreased by 0.57-0.66 t/ha (4.1-6.9 %) compared to this figure on uncompacted rows. Due to the negative impact of the running energy system on the soil during sowing, the economic indicators of maize cultivation deteriorate. If the soil compaction is eliminated or minimized by the running gear of the energy source, the profit may increase and according to the studied maize hybrids will be 19217-53921 UAH / ha. As a result of soil compaction by running systems of the sowing unit, the profit is reduced by 4104-4536 UAH/ha. Conclusions. In the rows located on the tracks of the tractor, due to soil compaction, the conditions of plant growth and development deteriorate, which is reflected in lower indicators of crop structure elements (number of cobs, grain weight of cobs, etc.) and reduced yield and efficiency of maize cultivation. Key words: research, corn, tractor running system, soil compaction, yield, efficiency.

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