
The article considers conceptual issues of meaningful interpre- tation, the current state and prospects for further development of eco-tour- ism, with regard to environmental conservation and the rational exploitation of natural resources. In Russia, as a country with immense tourist and recre- ational potential, ecological tourism is becoming more and more in demand not only in specially protected natural areas, but also in regions that have never positioned themselves as tourist destinations before. However, a few legal, in- frastructural and organizational constraints and issues that prevent its more active development in Russia. The authors highlighted the conceptual charac- teristics of eco-tourism in comparison with terms similar in meaning – natural tourism, natural and educational tourism, green tourism, soft tourism. Legisla- tive consolidation of the definition of the term “ecological tourism” will allow to clearly identify that type of tourism, to form the industry professional re- quirements for its organization, to apply the best available technologies.

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