
Introduction. Employees’ safety in buildings demands systematic monitoring of both the robustness and stability of buildings, which provide its mechanical safety and fire safety. The most important event in the personnel’s firesafety monitoring system in building and facilities of all functional fire hazard classes are the systematic (not less than once per six months) practical training of the people, which perform their work on hazard location. As a rule, the following is applied: printed information, lections, audio recordings, slides, posters, code grams, video films, TV shows, group discussions, situation modeling, game management. However not a single of those training types gives the possibility for assessing the actual level of knowledge of skills achieved by personnel, all the more so in combination with the prevention measures of automated fire safety systems functioning. Analytical part. In this article we review the case of “involuntary experiment” — small-scale fire in a medical facility, which provided the possibility to assess the achieved level of fire-safety management and offered the range of the measures for its prospective improvement. The number of the problems was solved to achieve the goals, namely: personnel survey of laboratory building, in which the fire outbreak happened; the brief analysis of fire safety system of the medical facility was conducted; the conclusions were made about the safety culture level in the medical facility; the recommendations were given for enhancing the facility’s fire safety system. Conclusion. The analysis of the facility’s operation unit condition showed the personnel’s readiness for action during emergency. However, the late detection of fire and low efficiency of the fire detection systems made the specialists think that it is necessary to use innovative technology in fire alarm systems to reduce the evacuation start time.


  • Employees’ safety in buildings demands systematic monitoring of both the robustness and stability of buildings, which provide its mechanical safety and fire safety

  • The most important event in the personnel’s firesafety monitoring system in building and facilities of all functional fire hazard classes are the systematic practical training of the people, which perform their work on hazard location

  • Not a single of those training types gives the possibility for assessing the actual level of knowledge of skills achieved by personnel, all the more so in combination with the prevention measures of automated fire safety systems functioning

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Was there smoke on the staircase?
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