
Introduction. At the moment, the provisions of regulatory documents governing fire risk calculations need up­dating and clarification in narrowly focused problem issues. Methods. The existing regulatory framework is presented for the most part by the departmental order of Emercom of Russia. With the development of fire-fighting and fire-fighting technologies, as well as computational methods capable of simulating this or that emergency situation, the possibility of substantiating various fire development scenarios has expanded. Experiments on calculations for objects of various functional purposes, issued by leading scientific organizations of our country, as well as specialists involved in fire risk calculations, have shown the re­levance and the need for changes and clarifications in the regulatory framework governing these ­types of work. At the same time, it should be noted that the above-mentioned departmental norms and recommendations, ­despite their practical significance, do not reflect the issue of using fire doors for practical purposes and cannot serve the tasks that modernity sets for itself. Results and discussion. Due to the existing problems of design and state examination, commissioning of construction supervision bodies and supervision of objects already operated by state fire supervision authorities Emercom of Russia, is almost universally preceded by the development of fire risk calculations in order to confirm fire protection objects. The peculiarity of such calculations is, first of all, the need to present those to a specific capital construction object, while in some cases even the presence of all the fire protection systems of a building does not en­sure people’s safety due to various reasons. The main one of which is the rapid blocking of evacuation routes by fire and resulting in death of people. Conclusions. The use of fire doors in the calculations of fire risk, which are used more than once at various protec­tion facilities and confirmed their effectiveness at the implemented facilities, seems appropriate to reflect in the relevant regulatory documents, which will greatly improve the actual safety of people.


  • At the moment, the provisions of regulatory documents governing fire risk calculations need updating and clarification in narrowly focused problem issues

  • Äâåðü èç ïîìåùåíèÿ 1 / Door from room 1 Äâåðü èç ïîìåùåíèÿ 2 / Door from room 2 Äâåðü èç êëàäîâîé / Door from the pantry Äâåðü, âåäóùàÿ ê âûõîäó 2 / Door leading to exit 2 Äâåðü, âåäóùàÿ ê âûõîäó 2 / Door leading to exit 2 Äâåðü, âåäóùàÿ ê âûõîäó 1 / Door leading to exit 1

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