
The purpose of this article is to present the methodological and methodological foundations for the use of the game in the didactic support of higher education. The article disuchebnoj motivacii u uchashhihsja [A model of psychological readiness of a future primary school teacher for the development of educational motivation among students]. Vestnik OGU, 2013, no. 2 (151), pp. 73–76. (In Russian). 18. Derkach A. A. Akmeologija. Uchebnik [Acmeology. Textbook]. Moscow, 2002. 650 p. (In Russian). 19. Adol’f V. A. Stanovlenie professional’noj kompetentnosti pedagoga [Formation of professional competence of a teacher]. Sibirskij peda gogicheskij zhurnal, 2013, no. 5, pp. 38–40. (In Russian). 20. Podymov L. S. i dr. Pedagogika. Uchebnik i praktikum dlja vuzov [Pedagogy. Textbook and workshop for universities]. Eds. L. S. Podymovoj, V. A. Slastenina. Moscow, 2023. 246 p. (In Russian). 21. Gubanova M. I. Formirovanie gotovnosti budushhego uchitelja k pedagogicheskomu soprovozhdeniju social’nogo samoopredelenija starsheklassnikov. Monografi ja [Formation of the future teacher’s readiness for pedagogical support of the social selfdetermination of high school students]. Kemerovo, 2003. 236 p. (In Russian). 22. Red’ko L. L., Shumakova A. V., Veselova V. G. Proektirovanie integrativnogo obrazovatel’nogo prostranstva pedagogicheskogo vuza [Designing an integrative educational space of a pedagogical university]. Stavropol’, 2010. 282 p. (In Russian). 23. Podgotovka budushhih pedagogov k resheniju professional’nyh zadach v uslovijah integracii sistem vysshego pedagogicheskogo, obshhego i dopolnitel’nogo obrazovanija. Uchebnometodicheskoe posobie dlja magistrantov, aspirantov, prepodavatelej vuza [Preparation of future teachers to solve professional problems in the context of integration of higher pedagogical, gene ral and additional education systems. Educational and meth odological guide for undergraduates, postgraduates, university teachers]. Cheboksary, 2021. 128 p. (In Russian). Инновационные практики образовательных организаций 176 Профессиональное образование в России и за рубежом 2 (54) 2024 cusses gamifi cation as a teaching method and educational technology. Gamifi cation and the game approach in learning are considered, and their comparative characteristics are given. Since gamifi cation helps to increase interest in various areas where it is applied, students become more interested in taking those courses where there are game elements. Options for implementing gamifi cation in education are usually carried out in the format of a PBL model: points, badges, and ratings. Examples of game scenarios include: quests, simulation contests. A number of gamifi cation mechanics that are used in education are analyzed and the result of the study is shown: a survey was conducted among teachers and students whether these mechanics and gamifi cation in general work well enough in education.

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