
The article analyzes rhetorical techniques, speech strategies based on the presentation of the new phone iPhone 13. The article deals with the concept of linguistic strategies, such as strategies of persuasion, strategy of information and intellectual setup, strategy for designing emotional states, which are the basic concepts of psycholinguistics. Language means of lingual-rethorical strategies and a number of basic concepts that construct certain states are investigated, such as positive emotions of happiness and love, negative states of sadness and fear or emotion of uncertainty, which cause doubt, and so on; they intend to induce various psychological emotions in the audience. Such strategies are used by marketers to achieve an effective impact on the addressee to provoke it to the desired action. The article revealed the concept of "suggestion" and found that the rhetorical strategy of communicative influence is realized through certain receptions, such as rhetorical questions, the use of estimation vocabulary and the use of conceptual metaphors. Rhetorical strategies for designing psychological states are also analyzed, they are implemented by rational arguments from experience or definitions and emotional arguments based on the values ​​of a particular audience.

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