
Objective: to prove the efficiency of using alternative therapies and rehabilitation of children and rehabilitation of children with chronic bronchitis at preschool institutions. The experiment involved children from a specialized kindergarten, a special medical group for children aged 6–7, who often suffer from bronchitis. The following indicators were taken into account: respiratory rate, heart rate, vital capacity of the lungs, tests with breath holding on inhalation and exhalation, depth of breath. In order to prevent exacerbations of chronic inflammatory diseases of the bronchi and lungs, children underwent herbal medicine, exercise therapy and breathing exercises, salt therapy, improves blood and lymph circulation in the lungs and pleura, which contributes to the activation of regenerative processes. One of the main tasks of preventing chronic bronchitis in children is to increase the body’s resistance, strengthen its protective and compensatory adaptive mechanisms. The study outcomes indicated significant positive changes in the cardiorespiratory system of children with chronic bronchitis. Regular classes have contributed to improving the level of functional capabilities of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems of preschool children. Children had excellent values of heart rate, respiration, high sample rates with respiratory retention, and respiratory depth at the end of the experiment. Conclusions. It has been proved that the physical rehabilitation of children with chronic bronchitis significantly improved their quality of life and reduced the risk of disease progression. A preventive and health experiment conducted indicated the efficiency of the proposed forms of exercise therapy, salt therapy, herbal medicine in the rehabilitation process. Significantly improved attendance by children of the preschool institution, which indicates the improvement of children’s health, improvement of their immunity, increased efficiency and activity of children.

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