
Introduction. The relevance of the for-mation of competences, knowledge, abilities, and skills in the courses of “Life Safety” category is extremely im-portant for the students of higher educational institutions not only at the stage of obtaining an education, but also in everyday life and professional activity. This is due to the increase in the number of man-made, ecological, socio-political dangers, which, of course, is accompanied by the deterioration of the population’s health. The global im-portance and urgency of this problem makes it necessary to find effective ways to solve it. It is obvious that the achievement of this goal requires the jointhard work of specialists from various scientific fields -biology, medi-cine, pedagogy, psychology, military affairs, who are ready to provide students with relevant theoretical knowledge and practical skills and qualified recommen-dations regarding safe and healthy life activities in mod-ern society. The purposeof the work is to form a list of general and professional competencies in safety courses in the Bachelor’s study in the Cherkasy Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University. Working hypothesis. In our opinion, the introduction of the cycle of the “Life Safety” courses into the educational process is the most optimal way of forming students’ responsibility for their own health and personal and col-lective safety in everyday life and professional activities. The results.The general theoretical and practical foundations for the preparation of the courses of the “Life Safety” cycle, the mastery of which will ensure the for-mation of a set of general and special competences for safe activities both in everydaylife and while performing professional duties, have been developed. Acquiring vital competencies in the process of learning will give students the opportunity to navigate in modern society, the ability to act competently in dangerous conditions, thus protect-ing both their own life and health, as well as the life and health of other people.

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