
The article considers the importance of the formation of health-preserving competence of the physical education teacher. Health- preserving competence is a quality of an individual consisting of valeological knowledge, abilities, skills, an individual's attitude to health as the highest value, and experience in practical activities to preserve mental, physical, and social health. The health-preserving activity of the physical culture teacher connects theoretical knowledge with the life situation. The level of valeological knowledge, high motivation for a healthy lifestyle, and practical activity, which is manifested in the organization and implementation of measures to preserve one's own health and the health of the team, are important for diagnosing the level of health- preserving competence. The classification of modern health care technologies, which consist of health care technologies, health education technologies, health culture education technologies, and health care technologies, is considered. The most important technologies are the technologies of health formation. Technologies for the formation of health involve the interaction of a teacher and a student and are aimed at the formation, preservation, strengthening, and restoration of personal health. Fitness technologies are a set of methods and methodological techniques that have a health-improving effect, increase a person's motor activity, form a positive attitude to a healthy lifestyle and social success. Fitness technologies are important for the formation of health-preserving competence of students of the Faculty of Physical Education, health-preserving views, thinking and consciousness, the ability to apply knowledge and skills to preserve and strengthen one's own health, use experience in future professional activities and society. Fitness technologies are important in the training of a physical education teacher, they affect the anatomical systems of the body, increase physical health, the level of physical and mental development, and improve physical performance.

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