
In the article on the basis of the analysis of scientific literature, the main trends, patterns and principles of the formation of productive and creative competence of the future engineer and teacher are considered. The trends of modern engineering and pedagogical education are: orientation of educational institutions to improve the quality of training specialists; change in the target orientation of the system of vocational education in the formation of competencies; the transition from massive, collective forms of student learning to individual, to the development of creative abilities on the basis of self-education, self-development, self-improvement; recognition of the priority of the humanistic orientation of engineering and pedagogical education; appeal to the scientific strategies of creative psychology and innovative pedagogy on the basis of consideration of domestic and international scientific and educational heritage. The patterns of the formation of productive and creative competence of the future engineer and teacher involve the dependence of the formation of productive and creative competence of future engineers and teachers on the scientifically substantiated use of psychological mechanisms and pedagogical technologies; the dependence of the effectiveness of the formation of productive and creative competence of the future engineer and teacher on the unevenness of mental development of the individual etc. It is proved that modern trends and regularities of the training of engineer educators are expressed in the implementation of the relevant principles, namely: the principle of creative activity; the principle of creative independence; the principle of reflexivity of activity; the diagnostic principle; the principle of unity of formation and development; the principle of professional and creative orientation of the educational process; the principle of continuity and continuity; the principle of the interconnectedness of the generalized educational trajectory and the individual educational route; the principle of the formation of a tentative search position.

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