
The article notes that the study of art at the stage of emergence is of particular importance because it allows us to trace the directions of evolution, regional features, to identify a set of factors that have catalyzed some of its species. The aim of the article is to study some aspects of the process of evolution of song and music art of Central Ukraine in the Paleolithic era. It is noted that the problems of Paleolithic art are devoted to scientific works of domestic and foreign researchers, which address a wide range of issues related to the evolution of music, song performance and musical instruments, the emergence of symbolism and others. The development of musical art is directly related not only to the formation of new interpersonal relationships, but also to the evolution of man himself, the transformation of the structure of his individual organs. Necessary prerequisites for sound production are anatomical changes in the human body. Based on the results of modern research, it is indicated that anatomical changes have made it possible to emphasize individual sound units and control intonation. This significantly affects the vocal characteristics of the voice. Finds of objects of art and musical culture in the settlements of the late Paleolithic era indicate the availability of free time for their design and manufacture. In addition, it requires planning and organizing the process of making instruments. The results of modern archaeological research allow us to date the period of origin of instrumental music about 48000-50000 years ago. This conclusion is based on a study of archaeological research, including monuments from the cave Divje Babe I (Slovenia). The article presents the results of reproducing the sound of the percussion group of instruments found in the parking lot of the Paleolithic era near the village Mizyn (Ukraine). Comparative analysis with similar instruments and samples of cave painting, allowed to put forward a hypothesis about the musical accompaniment of ritual (proto-shamanic) dances. The author did not find evidence of the emergence of the Paleolithic calendar rituals and the connection of rituals with the seasons.

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