
This article deals with the tendencies of choosing suitable pronunciation model within the limits of the functioning of the French phonetic norm. Studies the sound composition of the language on the base of the research of the accent and the intonation of the territorial and the social dialects and functional varieties of the language. Analyzes works devoted to the study of dialect peculiarities of the intonation. Generalizes the theoretical information about the sound composition of the language and the intonation that are discussed in the special French scientific literature. Determinate the modifications of phonetic norm of modern French language, dialect intonation peculiarities in a particular register of language and certain social groups. Follows functional changes of the intonation. Explains the relation between the accent and the intonational peculiarities of regional dialects. Attention is drawn to the rhythm, accent distribution, tempo and length variations, to the dependence of rhythmic groups of semantic and syntactic combinability phrase parts, speech tempo, the degree of preparedness and the text maturity of extra-linguistic situation, the degree of the emotional expression color. Studies the dependence of the rhythmic groups length of the type of speech, of pauses impact on the speech tempo. Analyzes the spontaneous dialogue in different linguistic registers.

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