The paper is survey of recent results of investigations on varieties of Leibniz-Poisson algebras. We show that a variety of Leibniz-Poisson algebras has either polynomial growth or growth with exponential not less than 2, the eld being arbitrary. We show that every variety of Leibniz-Poisson algebras of polynomial growth over a eld of characteristic zero has a nite basis for its polynomial identities.We construct a variety of Leibniz-Poisson algebras with almost polynomial growth. We give equivalent conditions of the polynomial codimension growth of a variety of Leibniz-Poisson algebras over a eld of characteristic zero. We show all varieties of Leibniz-Poisson algebras with almost polynomial growth in one class of varieties. We study varieties of Leibniz-Poisson algebras, whose ideals of identities contain the identity fx; yg fz; tg = 0, we study an interrelation between such varieties and varieties of Leibniz algebras. We show that from any Leibniz algebra L one can construct the Leibniz-Poisson algebra A and the properties of L are close to the properties of A. We show that if the ideal of identities of a Leibniz-Poisson variety V does not contain any Leibniz polynomial identity then V has overexponential growth of the codimensions. We construct a variety of Leibniz-Poisson algebras with almost exponential growth. Let f n(V)gn1 be the sequence of proper codimension growth of a variety of Leibniz-Poisson algebras V. We give one class of minimal varieties of Leibniz-Poisson algebras of polynomial growth of the sequence f n(V)gn1, i.e. the sequence of proper codimensions of any such variety grows as a polynomial of some degree k, but the sequence of proper codimensions of any proper subvariety grows as a polynomial of degree strictly less than k.
F Leibniz-Poisson algebras over a eld of characteristic zero
Of Leibniz-Poisson algebras, whose ideals of identities contain the identity {x, y} · {z, t} = 0, we study an interrelation between such varieties and varieties of Leibniz algebras
We show that from any Leibniz algebra L one can construct the Leibniz-Poisson algebra A and the properties of L are close to the properties of A
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