
The article is a continuation of the scientific and theoretical study of the influence of Christian social doctrine on the historical, economic, spiritual and moral processes in Russia. The influence of the provisions of Christian social doctrine on the socio-economic development of society and the state has been studied: in the economic aspect, the regulatory role of the state (paternalism), the development of a social market economy, private property as a social function, a change in the role of factors of production, profit as an assessment of the effectiveness of an enterprise; in the political aspect - subsidiarity and solidarity, i.e. social justice and respect by the state for the autonomy of individual economic, regional entities; in the spiritual and moral aspect - the prevalence of spiritual principles over material ones, the desire for social justice, fair compensation for the expended spiritual, mental and physical efforts. The significance of social Christian teaching in the spiritual and moral revival of Russia is seen in the active dissemination and agitation of the principles of spirituality, moral values and traditions, the humanization of social relations between the individual and society, between public institutions, the purpose of which is to ensure a fair distribution of benefits and equal opportunities. The article discusses the concept of social partnership as the main method of resolving social conflicts between labor and capital and the mechanisms for its implementation. Christian social doctrine shows that labor and capital are equal complementary elements of the economic process, and it is necessary to maintain this equality and equalize the distortions that arise at certain historical stages with the help of such tools as the social responsibility of the entrepreneur, social guarantees and employee protection, the involvement of workers in management, property and profit. The authors present an analysis of the concept of "intermediate social structures", developed by Christian social teaching and making an important contribution to the formation of civil society. We are talking about the formation of groups that unite on the basis of common social and professional interests: trade unions, unions of entrepreneurs, consumer unions, creative associations, labor dispute commissions.

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