
Problem setting. For providing of economic and social progress in Ukraine it is necessary to apply the confessedly system of democratic values, in particular in relation to participating of citizens and institutes of civil society in the processes of forming and realization of public policy. The basic tendency of electoral process in the world is his satiation by the informed and automated electronic facilities of voting, on-line by procedure of change of place of voting and electronic procedure of pulling out of candidates on taking part in the election. Such changes require for Ukraine improvement normative legal bases in relation to application of information technologies in electoral processes through development and implementation of effective informative mechanisms.Recent research and publications analysis. Taking into account complication of electoral process, speed of development of information technologies and frequency of replacement of electoral legislation, in Ukraine, a scientific ground of informative mechanisms of perfection of electoral processes is insufficient. By research of perfection of electoral legislation, the devoted works of such research workers as I. Polishchuk, 2005; A. Savkov, 2010; Yu. Klyuchkovsky, 2010; L. Gonyukova, 2009; V. Pogorilko, M. Stavniychuk, 2003 and other. However, scientists in the researches do not clarify the problem of information mechanisms for improvement election processes in Ukraine. Taking into account importance and actuality of the research question, the article is dedicated the complex analysis of European experience in this direction.The paper objective – to research of informative mechanisms of electoral processes, analysis of the basic Ukrainian and European normative documents that regulate modern electoral process and on this basis of development of suggestions in relation to perfection of electoral processes in UkraineThe paper main body. The development of e-democracy is extremely important for Ukraine, which in turn will affect the improvement of electoral processes through information mechanisms. The introduction of information mechanisms of electoral processes through electronic voting are preceding by the implementation of several areas of public policy. Namely: technological, sent not only to development of information technologies in the field of electoral, necessary technical product development for the electronic voting but also on the wide bringing in of citizens to using digital technologies, increase of reliability of transactions in the Internet. Such approach will allow promoting the level of trust to the innovations in an electoral process. Elucidative, that has for an object increase of computer literacy and awareness in the field of the newest technologies and possibilities of their application in state administration. Communicative, with bringing in of mass, necessity Medias both for the concordance of positions in the process of preparation of normatively-legal base and for elucidation to the citizens of essence and advantages of electronic procedures in electoral process.Conclusions of the research. The priority directions of improvement of electoral processes in Ukraine by information mechanisms: use of legal experience of the developed states of the world; realization of audit of Ukrainian information technologies that using by the authorities of administration of electoral process; development of economic ground of the use of digital technologies is in electoral procedure. It is also important to develop of the legal providing decision. Wide bringing in of civil society, mass and electors Medias to the process of making decision in the field of application of digital technologies in electoral processes will make the election process transparent and legitimate.

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