
The article discusses the problems of hermeticism. The European philosophical tradition, like the eastern one, is closely connected with mysticism, which is interpreted as cognitive activity, aimed at establishing an essential connection with the higher spiritual levels of being. The quantity and quality of the accumulated material testifies to the widespread, deep penetration and importance of the role of mystical phenomena in culture, religion, philosophy and everyday life of people. The purpose of the article . Identify anthropomistic ideas in the European philosophical tradition. Research methodology. The author applied comparative-historical, complex-typological and historical-philosophical research methods. The main material . Hermetic philosophy is built as a philosophy of knowledge - gnosis. This is its fundamental difference from any other religious system based on faith, that is, on certain special psycho-emotional states of a person. The emphasis on knowledge as a means of obtaining salvation and the requirements for possession of this knowledge in a clearly formulated doctrine is a common feature of the hermetically Gnostic doctrine.

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