
The article is devoted to the theoretical understanding of scientific approaches to the psychological aspect of students’ professional mobility forming. The factors determining the urgency of professional mobility of future specialists are singled out. The author considers the formation of students’ professional mobility as an integrative quality of the individual, which includes professional competence, general educational achievement, personal qualities that contribute to the forming of professional mobility. Conditions of successful preparation of students of the high school for professional mobility are presented. Modern professional education is aimed at the formation of social and professional competence. It’s necessary to organize the professional education that provides management of the system of teacher and environment resources for the creation of optimal conditions for the forming of studentіs’ professional mobility. The most effective ways and methods of students’ professional education aimed at developing abilities for professional mobility are analyzed. The main directions of professional mobility, which is an expression of the system of dominant value-semantic relations of the future specialist to himself, the sociocultural environment and his activities, are identified. Making of an open multifunctional space for development at university, which is aimed at creating conditions for the self-development of each participant in the educational process, and primarily the student, contributes to building of an educational community that ensures success in both personal and professional life.

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