
The article deals with the language Weltbild of spiritual and moral values as an integral part of the Weltbild of a particular people and its identification code that forms the person’s attitude to the world and sets the norms of his behavior. Language as a moral category, stores peoples’ knowledge about their environment and ambience and contributes to shaping worldview common for its native speakers. Linguistic consciousness of the people stores not only their past and defines the future, but preserves spiritual and moral values as well. Spiritual and moral values reflect the attitude of men to the universe and set the norms of their behavior. In the natural language that reproduces a certain way of conceptualizing the world, meanings are arranged in a system of values shared by the native speakers of a certain culture. Weltbild that reflects spiritual and moral values of a particular people, is verbalized in the language Weltbild. The power of a word should not be underestimated as with the worlt does not only start the real life of homo sapiens but his spiritual life too. Words are always used to induce people to change their inner and outer lives. The commandments passed through language turn it from the means of communication into one of the highest spiritual values. Language always affects men, inspiring them, destroying them and urging them to act.

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