
The article analyzes the development of the concept “value” in the philosophical, pedagogical and psychological contexts, as well as clarifies the essence of the concept “spiritual and moral values” as a system. The author analyzed the background of the emergence of the problem of education of spiritual and moral values of the individual. The main scientific approaches to the analysis of the system of spiritual and moral values are considered in the article. Variety of interpretations of these concepts in various historical periods is presented. The unity of the concepts “spirituality” and “morality” is emphasized in the article; the author explains it by scientific tendency to combine the religious and secular character in comprehension of the spirituality phenomenon.Consideration of the category “value” from philosophical point of view gives the author the opportunity to assert that it is an essence and a special type of ideological orientation of a person, one’s valuable comprehensions about the ideals, goodness, morality of beauty and harmony, which are fixed in certain cultures. The system of spiritual and moral values has a complex character and a humanistic nature.The author understands the system of spiritual and moral values of the individual as the guides for personality’s social activity, aimed at achieving socially meaningful humanistic goals. The spiritual and moral values are, first of all, the guidelines, which serve as the ideal, a standard of what it should be like, which defines the relationship of the individual with the objects of reality and regulates its behavior and activities.The article also raises the problem of the need to bring up the spiritual and moral values of students of humanities, the researcher insists that spiritual and moral values have a high educational potential of humanitarian knowledge.

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