
Transformational processes of socio-economic development create new challenges for entrepreneurship. In the conditions of global competition, constant changes in business conditions and the complexity of the environment, the issue of cost management and optimization of business processes becomes a key aspect of business strategy. More and more businesses are looking for ways to increase cost efficiency while improving product or service quality. The method of this study is a thorough analysis and determination of optimal approaches to cost management aimed at achieving profitability. The research object is cost management processes in the business environment, while the subject of research is methods and tools for optimizing business processes to increase profitability. During the study, the key problems of cost management and optimization of business processes were identified, recommendations were made for increasing the efficiency of cost management and reducing costs, and developing a strategy for optimizing business processes to increase productivity and competitiveness. The conclusions of this study indicate that effective cost management and optimization of business processes are aimed at ensuring the enterprise’s profitability. Therefore, enterprises need to actively use the strategies of cost control, automation, and standardization of business processes. In conclusion, the ongoing transformative processes in socio-economic development have ushered in a new era of challenges for entrepreneurship. In the landscape of fierce global competition, ever-evolving business conditions, and a complex operating environment, effective cost management and the optimization of business processes have become pivotal elements of business strategy. Businesses across various industries are increasingly exploring avenues to enhance cost efficiency while simultaneously elevating the quality of their products or services. Practical implementation of the recommendations will help enterprises to increase profitability and stable growth in the modern business environment. The practical implementation of these recommendations stands to empower enterprises to not only increase profitability but also achieve sustainable growth in the contemporary business environment, thus navigating the intricate challenges of socio-economic transformation and global competition.

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