
The modern stage of the development of science and technology contributes to an in-depth comprehensive study of the labor market and employment of the population. The emergence and development of innovative forms of employment is due to the increased use of the labor potential of the country's population. State programs for the development of the national economy aim to achieve high indicators of the national economy. Indicators of the dynamics of the number of employed people in the country's economy, the level of employment of the population and the dynamics of the number of personnel engaged in scientific research and development by 1,000,000 levels of employment are being studied to analyze ways to achieve this goal. Mechanisms that contribute to the achievement of innovative forms of employment are considered. Shortcomings were formulated, and a fundamental principle was proposed, which formed the basis of the methodology for achieving innovative forms of employment. Accordingly, in order to achieve the goal of decent universal employment of the population, it is necessary to create a system of skills development from an early age for children and young people. Choosing an educational trajectory for further successful employment and implementation in the profession is necessary in childhood. The development of basic skills will enable young people to expand the range of related specialties that can be in demand on the market. Early professional orientation and self-determination, the development of innovative skills in children and young people can become a prerequisite for the formation of a generation of inventors and entrepreneurs. The formation of a system of professional competencies in various fields of activity contributes to the formation of a professional who has the ability to choose a profession based on the need for the labor market. The established system of innovative employment of the population will be able to ensure the social and economic balance of society. Increasing the realization of human potential, environmental, as well as economic security of the state, increasing the birth rate will strengthen the national economy. The development of innovative forms of employment will lead to an increase in the number of innovative products, which will increase the performance of the national economy.

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