
The research is relevant because it is necessary to make a lexicographic description of the local speech content, which is collected on the territory of the historical Belozerye. The materials collected on this territory are available in various dialect dictionaries, but so far they have not been studied as a whole lexico-semantic system. To solve this problem, in 2019-2021, we created an electronic multimedia system: The Dialect of the Northern Village (www.borbushino.vogu35.ru). It presents the results of the study of the dialect of the Borbushino village in Kirillovsky District of Vologda Oblast - one of the rural settlements of this territory. This study lasted for more than thirty years. The key problem solved in the framework of this article is the understanding of the prospects for using the materials of the Dialect of the Northern Village electronic resource in the practice of creating various dialect dictionaries. The aim of the work is to characterize the existing experience of lexicographic descriptions of the dialect system in the format of an electronic resource, as well as to comment on the prospects of including the materials we collected in the format of a morphemic and word-formation dictionary, a dictionary of a language personality, and a thematic ethnolinguistic dictionary. The objectives of the work are: (1) to characterize the local speech content presented in the electronic multimedia system; (2) to describe our experience in creating a differential explanatory dictionary of Cyrillic dialects; (3) to consider the prospects of including the materials we have collected in dialect dictionaries of other purposes, types and structures. The material for the study was more than 250 texts recorded from the words of dialect speakers or presented in their own memoir records, as well as more than 30,000 microtexts illustrating the contextual use of the lexical set we are studying. The material was collected by the method of conversation according to the questionnaire program of the Lexical Atlas of Russian Folk Dialects, as well as according to the authors’ programs focused on the collection, classification and analysis of the derived vocabulary of the dialect. As a result, we have concluded that the collected materials can form the basis of a morphemic and word-formation dictionary, an ethnolinguistic dictionary representing the information of the thematic spheres “Nature”, “Man”, “Material Culture”, “Spiritual Culture”, as well as a dictionary of the language personality of Nikolai Pavlovich Shabrov, a native of the Borbushino village. The Dialect of the Northern Village electronic multimedia system (www.borbushino.vogu35.ru) is already used in the practice of research and educational work, and the creation of various dialect dictionaries based on it will make this work more concrete and effective. The authors declare no conflicts of interests.

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