
Relevance of the topic. The formation of theoretical knowledge of students' physical culture in the process of professionally applied physical training is the most important stage in the preparation of highly qualified specialists The purpose of the work determination of the effectiveness of applying the theoretical module of technologies of professionally applied physical training in the process of physical education of students of art. Material and methods. The paper used the analysis of professional scientific and methodological literature and sociological research methods, methods of mathematical statistics. The experiment involved the involvement of students of the Vinnitsa College of Culture and Arts named after N. D. Leontovich specialty "Musical art". Results of work. The article analyzes the effectiveness of applying the theoretical module of the technology of professionally applied physical training in the process of physical education of students of art specialties. This module is used to create students' readiness to participate in the training process, to form an active-positive attitude towards future cognitive activities, to create a motivational sphere, and to focus on professional musical activity. An assessment of the theoretical knowledge of students of the specialty "Musical art".
 Key conclusions. Based on the study, the effectiveness of the process of physical education of students of musical specialties using the author's technology of professionally-applied physical training of students of musical specialties is proved. The results of a second test to determine the level of theoretical knowledge serve as the basis for stating that during the experiment among the experimental students, there was a decrease in the percentage of girls with an average level, an increase in the percentage of girls with a sufficient level, which means that no girls with a low

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