
The relevance of the research topic. A wide arsenal of technical actions and a wide range of potential conflict situations that regularly occur in the course of martial arts determine the peculiarities of operations, actions and mechanisms for their improvement. The aim of the research was to analyse the indicators of the spatial-temporal structure of the technique of a kick with the left foot to the side from the left- handed stand performed by highly skilled sportsmen. Research methods: analysis of literature sources, video recording and biomechanical video computer analysis using the optoelectronic system "Qualisys", methods of mathematical statistics. Results. The movement of the biolinks of the athletes' body during the phase of preparing for the impact is from 0.03 m to 0.25 m. During the kicking phase, the values of the average velocities of the right ankle and right knee joints are 4.23 m·s-1 and 2.26 m·s -1 respectively. Conclusions. The execution of a blow is effective from the point of view of biomechanical analysis, and the indicators of the kinematic structure of movements during the execution of this blow can be used both as a reference sample of sports technique and for the development of model characteristics of movements based on them. The values of the average velocities of the shoulder, elbow, and carpal joints of the right hand during the walking phase are 0.50 m·s-1, 1.10 m·s-1, and 0.95 m·s-1, respectively. The average speed of the shoulder joint of the left hand is 0.69 m·s-1, the left elbow joint - 0.97 m·s-1, and the left carpal joint - 2.03 m·s-1. Such high indicators of the average speeds of the hand joints during the walking phase indicate swinging movements to increase the force of the impact due to the use of inertial forces. The movement of the biolinks of the athletes' body during the walking phase ranges from 0.08 m to 0.63 m. The values of the indicators of the joints of the upper limbs during the two support phases when performing a left leg kick to the side from the left stance are: right shoulder joint - 0.65 m·s-1, left shoulder joint -0.52 m·s-1, right elbow joint – 2.73 m·s-1, left elbow joint – 1.71 m·s-1, right and left carpal joints – 1.84 m·s-1. In the two-support phase, the movement of the studied body points of the athletes is in the range from 0.08 m to 0.56 m. The values of the average velocities of the studied body points of the athletes during the contact phase when performing a left leg kick to the side from the left stance range from 0.23 m s- 1 to 2.53 m·s-1, and the displacement of the same points during this phase is from 0.02 m to 0.20 m

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