
In the article the theoretical questions of formation of creative abilities of senior preschool children by means of integration of various types of artistic and creative activities are highlighted. The content of the concepts “integration”, “visual activity”, “theatrical activity”, “creative abilities” in modern pedagogical literature is revealed. Attention is drawn to the need to train the specialists who must have the basics of knowledge in the field of related sciences; to orient in pedagogy, psychology; to be able to interact with different specialists. An attempt has been made to prove that the integration of visual and theatrical activities for senior preschool children will be an effective means of forming the creative abilities. It is emphasized that it is precisely in the preschool age that the principles of spiritual development of the child are laid, the aesthetic consciousness, the artistic culture begins to form, the content and forms of the children’s activity and their enrichment are important during this period, since the child of preschool age has a need for artistic activity. It is noted that the main task of practical work of preschool educational institutions is to saturate the child’s life with art, to introduce it into the world of music, fine arts, literature, theater, dance, to include art in everyday life of children, to create conditions for children’s creativity.It is noted that art represents one of the most important components of the spiritual life of mankind, artistic creativity. It is established that art combines a specific knowledge of the world in artistic images, the creation of images, the ideological content in the sensual material – in words, in motion, in paints, in space and plastic materials. It is determined that the integration of visual and theatrical-gaming activities, which are understood by the deeper form of interconnection, interpenetration of different content in the upbringing and education of children, is an important factor in the formation of artistic and creative abilities of children of the senior preschool age.It is emphasized that creative abilities are the ability to generate new ideas, to put forward hypotheses, to fantasize, to see contradictions, to associate thinking, to transfer knowledge and skills in new situations; the integral formation of the human psyche, which is based on various personal characteristics and qualities, are systematized in relation to various types of activities performed by the individual and to a large extent determine its success in this activity; a mechanism that allows an individual to go beyond the already known way of resolving the contradiction between reproductive and productive.

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