
The standards of modern higher education determine the requirements for the preparation of a university graduate who speaks a foreign language and is competent in the field of intercultural communication. In this regard, in the field of linguistic education, the appeal to innovative technologies is being actualized, ensuring the improvement of foreign language communicative competence and increasing motivation for mastering a foreign language. The linguo-didactic potential of gaming applications is of particular interest to researchers. Foreign language communicative competence is the student’s ability and willingness to carry out foreign language intercultural and interpersonal communication in variable authentic spheres and situations. The development of linguistic, speech, socio-cultural, compensatory and educational components of foreign language communicative competence involves the deepening of knowledge, the formation of skills and abilities about all types of speech activity by means of reproductive, problem-search, project and game teaching methods. Learning through play by means of modern gaming applications creates a comfortable environment for active mastery of the language being studied. In the course of observations and experimental work, the linguo-didactic potential of the game applications “Memrise”, “The Phrasal Verbs Machine”, “Quizlet”, “Words, Sounds: Pronunciation App”, “Learn English with SpeakingPal” in the linguistic education of students was revealed, which is expressed in the possibilities their application for the purpose of purposeful assimilation of lexical and grammatical material and its further application in foreign language speech activity, ensuring the development of all components of foreign language communicative competence. The choice of game applications is due to the age characteristics of students, their cognitive interests, the level of foreign language proficiency, the specifics of the integration of synchronous and asynchronous independent work. The study found that the positive effect of using the considered game applications in the development of foreign language communicative competence is manifested in the successful mastering of language material, the development of communication skills, and increased motivation for the educational process in general.

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