
The article discusses foreign language communicative competence of future teachers of foreign language and the problem of interconnection of foreign language communicative and professional competence of the future teacher of foreign languages. General language competences were considered and it was proved that foreign language communicative competence is what distinguishes a foreign languages teacher. The definition «foreign language communicative competence» and its content was analyzed. It was proved that foreign language communicative competence is an important component of communicative culture and an integral part of the preparation of modern specialists for further application of the acquired knowledge, skills and personal qualities in the foreign language environment, carrying out of interlingual, intercultural and interpersonal communication. It was clarified that the formation of the foreign language communicative competence is in such knowledge of the foreign language, which allows to use it to satisfy professional needs, to realize personal business contacts and further professional self-education and self-development. The definition analyses of the term «foreign language communicative competence» was carried out. The analysis of sources and recent publications of the subject has been carried out and the factors of forming of the foreign language communicative competence in practice were distinguished. Special attention was paid to the publications over the last twenty years. It was proved that foreign language communicative competence is an important and integral part of the professional competence of the teacher of foreign language. The goal of the formation of the foreign language communicative competence was specified. Different approaches to the definition of the foreign language communicative competence were researched three main approaches to the understanding of the notion of foreign language communicative competence were distinguished on the basis of the publications of the domestic researchers. Author's definition was proposed based on the theoretical analyses.


  • Vasilieva Polina PhD student of the foreign languages department of the Zaporizhzhya National University The teacher, the Economic and Law college of the Zaporizhzhya National Universi

  • it was proved that foreign language communicative competence is what distinguishes a foreign languages teacher

  • It was proved that foreign language communicative competence is an important component of communicative culture

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2013 2013 2014 2015 2019 інтегративна особливість особистості, що характеризується обсягом і характером засвоєних знань, умінь, навичок з іноземної мови та формується в процесі моделювання іншомовної професійної діяльності, що має складну структуру й постає як взаємодія і взаємопроникнення лінгвістичної, соціокультурної й комунікативної компетентностей, рівень сформованості яких дозволяє майбутньому спеціалісту ефективно здійснювати іншомовну, а отже, міжмовну, міжкультурну й міжособистісну комунікацію здатність успішно вирішувати завдання взаємодії і взаєморозуміння з носіями мови, яка вивчається, відповідно до норм і культурних традицій в умовах прямого й опосередкованого спілкування наявність фонетичних, лексичних, граматичних знань та здатності застосовувати ці знання на практиці, а також сформованість комунікативних умінь у говорінні,читанні, письмі, аудіюванні.

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