
This article is devoted to the consideration of some important issues of optimization and improving the effectiveness of teaching a foreign language in universities of the sports field, the development and improvement of personality by means of academic education and self-education. It should be noted that in most cases, university students of a sports field are not psychologically prepared or poorly prepared to master such a subject as a foreign language. Nowadays, student athletes are not trained in new effective methods of special psychoregulation and self-psychoregulation for the perception and assimilation of a foreign language in general. Subsequently, this attempt to effectively influence student athletes offered by teachers of a foreign language does not always achieve the expected result. In this regard, theoretical and practical issues of regulation and self-regulation of mental activity of students with the help of special mental training have been developed. It is known that the methods of mental regulation and self-regulation have been known for a very long time. In modern life, the basis of such techniques has received meaningful development and has found wide application in medicine, pedagogy, and mainly in sports. To solve the theoretical and practical problems of psychological and pedagogical component of this kind, the following methodology was developed. It includes four main significant components - psychological, speech, mental, and creative - and is aimed at further improving their functioning while mastering different types of systematic speech activity in foreign language in a sports context. This technique is not designated as a psycho-speech-mental complex or abbreviated as PSMC. Psycho-training complex of this kind includes a complex of motivationally modified exercises, which are aimed at the formation of optimal performance of student athletes in order to increase the effectiveness of learning different types of speech programs in a foreign language. Classes in a foreign language according to the PSMC consist of interconnected parts in which there is an orientation not only on the development of elements of relaxation and calmness, self-control but also the formation of an active state. On the basis of these parts, a psychological and pedagogical symbiosis of perception of necessary information in a foreign language by student-athletes arises deeper, more confident and more precise. Theoretically, such an approach as PSMC includes independent macrocycles (program modules) and microcycles (classes), namely, classes that are dedicated to solving pedagogical problems in teaching certain types of speech activity.


  • Student athletes are not trained in new effective methods of special psychoregulation and selfpsychoregulation for the perception and assimilation of a foreign language in general

  • This attempt to effectively influence student athletes offered by teachers of a foreign language does not always achieve the expected result

  • To solve the theoretical and practical problems of psychological and pedagogical component of this kind, the following methodology was developed. It includes four main significant components - psychological, speech, mental, and creative - and is aimed at further improving their functioning while mastering different types of systematic speech activity in foreign language in a sports context. This technique is not designated as a psycho-speech-mental complex or abbreviated as PSMC

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Для рішення теоретико-практичних задач такого роду психолого-педагогічної складової нами розроблена спеціальна методика, яка включає чотири основних значимих компоненти – психічний, мовленнєвий, розумовий та творчий – і спрямована на подальше удосконалення їхнього функціонування при оволодінні різними видами мовленнєвої діяльності система іноземною мовою у спортивному контексті. Такого роду умовний «психо-тренінг-комплекс» містить у собі комплекс мотиваційно-модифікованих вправ, які спрямовані на формування оптимальної працездатності студентівспортсменів у цілях підвищення ефективності навчання різним програмним видам мовленнєвої діяльності іноземною мовою; особлива увага при цьому приділяється самостійній роботи тих, хто навчаються.

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