
Sustainabledevelopmentinmodernrealitiesisadefiningconceptofdevelopmentinmosteco-nomicallydevelopedcountries. Ensuring harmonious functioning of economic, social and environmen-tal components of the society’s existence has become one of the most difficult tasks for governments.Impact investments is a relatively new approach to financing projects and activities that are being implements to achieve not only economic and financial goals, but also to simultaneously achieve certain social and environmental effects. The experience of developed countries only confirms that today impact investment is actively developing all over the world and gradually forms new directions for the transfor-mation of the national economy, contributes to the introduction of sustainable development model of society.Within the article, the essence of impact investment and its role in ensuring sustainable develop-ment of society is examined.It is established that impact investment in its essence represents a new paradigm of the investment activity, which provides for financing the projects, which implementation contributes to obtaining environmental and social effects based on ensuring in the future financial in-dependence of economic entities that implement and will continue implementing these projects.Themainsubjectsofimpactinvestmentareidentified, amongwhichthefollowingaresingledout:investors, borrowers, andinfrastructuresubjects, their role in the development of this type of financing is described.Special attention is paid to highlighting the main goals of impact investment, which pres-ence distinguishes it from the usual investment goal.The content of environmental, social and economic synergetic effects produced by the use of impact investment in business activities is described.Mutual influence between impact investment and the sustainable development model is also jus-tified. It is established that their interaction is objective in a mutually conditioned way. The use of this type of financing makes it possible to activate economic activity in the country, which is aimed at achiev-ing certain goals of sustainable development.In turn, as a result of such development, new areas and directions are gradually being formed for the implementation of projects based on sustainability, which requires new amounts of funding and will produce additional income and profit for their owners during their implementation.

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