
Digitization of social and economic processes increases the popularity of social networks and creates new opportunities for selling products in the digital environment. Targeting enables both large and small enterprises to promote their products, works and services, at the same time independently determine the main parameters of the target audience, time parameters of advertising show, set the budget of targeted advertising, manage its effectiveness. Therefore, the study of the functions and tools of targeting in the implementation of marketing communication policy is quite relevant, and the study of the process of setting up targeted advertising in the promotion of goods and services in a virtual environment is a perspective direction of scientific research. The main stages of setting up targeting, such as: creating an advertising "Campaign" (choosing a business goal in social networks); setting up "Advertisement groups" (creating a target audience, setting up a budget and show schedule, places for advertising); formation of "Advertisements" (creation of advertising creatives, text, links), are examined in the article. Targeting functions, such as creation and editing of advertising campaigns, advertisements and their groups; segmentation of the target audience; management of budgets of advertising campaigns, advertisements and their groups; increasing the effectiveness of advertising; identification of the most effective strategies; access to statistics in real time, are defined. The features of targeting tools in the implementation of marketing communication policy of the enterprise are analyzed. The process and stages of setting up targeted advertising are studied. The categories of targeting goals that a business can achieve in social networks are presented. The categories and types of targeting goals are systematized, and their role for business in the implementation of marketing communication policy in social networks is set. Also the features of the target audience segmentation factors while setting up targeting in Facebook Ads Manager were determined. The features of management of budgets of advertising campaigns, advertisements and their groups are presented. The recommendations on setting up targeting and improving the marketing communication policy of enterprises in social networks are offered in the article.

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